counting and packaging machine

Smart counting machines: a “precise” investment for the furniture market

November 10th, 2022

The acquisition of smart machines is the best way to speed up a factory's processes, being perfect for the stage of counting and packaging parts. In 2019 alone, according to Abimóvel, Brazil produced 421.2 million pieces for the furniture industry. For this movement to be possible, automation was essential to improve the supply of products.

It is in this sense that automation becomes a necessity. In general, many factories understand the importance of machinery for production, but end up leaving this step in the hands of employees, which causes a slowdown in the process and opens up the possibility of counting and selection failures.

Smaller items need to be packaged carefully, especially when sold in packs with many units, such as screw anchors and screws. And ensuring that this is done with the correct counting is a major challenge if done manually, due to the greater risk of human error.

With automation to pack parts, on the contrary, intelligent machines, such as those fromCE line, by Lufati, sold by Sellmaq, are configured to count evenly and accurately, drastically reducing the chance of error. This gives the target audience greater assurance of the quality of the supplied product.

In addition, by ensuring uniform products, your brand gains a more solid image in the market and also reduces staff costs and production waste.

Get in touch with one of our agents and find out about all the advantages that a smart machine from the CE line will bring to your business.